Thursday, April 5, 2012

Like the Apostles

It’s Holy Week and I’ve been thinking about the Jesus and his Passion to some degree but I’ve also been thinking about the Apostles.  These people, these men, were chosen by Jesus to be his followers.   I’m sure they were good men who, like the rest of us, were imperfect. And I can’t help but see myself in them. 

I believe I have been called by Christ to serve his people, to proclaim the Good News. And, like his Apostles, I am a very poor example of what it means to be a Christian. St. Peter was short tempered and rough around the edges. Judas was the money keeper and worried about having more money for the coffers. Two other disciples wanted a position of prestige in Jesus’ kingdom.  Peter denied him. Judas betrayed him. And when Jesus was arrested, they stood by and watched.  Another of the disciples ran away in fear he would also be arrested.  I fit in very well with this motley group. 

I keep trying to remember that the Lord filled his Apostles to overflowing with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the apparent weaknesses of the “pre-Pentecost” apostles seemed to vanish.  I like to believe that the Lord used their weaknesses to the benefit of the Kingdom.  If the Lord can transform these men into powerful witnesses and proclaimers of the Gospel then there’s some hope for me in my little corner of the world.

May the Risen Christ fill our lives with hope.

By Judy Michaud

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