Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Taylor Swift & the Beauty of Being Female

I don’t have a problem admitting that I really, really enjoy Taylor Swift’s music; it calls out to the desires of my feminine heart and helps me rejoice in being created female. This is a rare happening in today’s culture where so often the truly feminine is viewed as weak and immature instead of beautiful and a gift to the world in its own right. We are often too quick to forgo our darling dresses, penchant for pink and divine desires for motherhood for the sake of “equality” to men because in modern times – equality implies sameness. Perhaps this is why so many “feminists” attack Swift and particularly her latest song/music video in which, despite coming from a broken home, her desires for marriage and a family are fulfilled.

I am not saying that all women should be relegated to the kitchen, but I am saying that we have a unique gift to this world that men can’t offer and that we should quit trying to be something we are not. Taylor Swift seems to get this – she is both girlie girl and fully-capable woman. The fact that she likes sparkly dresses (that are much more modest than all of her pop culture rivals), that she writes about “fairytale” love (thus affirming that yes, we are all made for relationship and yes, love can and is in fact meant to last) and that she continues to break records – all tell me that we don’t have to be like men to be equal to them and, not only that, but that when we embrace our feminine hearts, we truly reflect the absolute dignity inscribed in our womanly beings – body and soul.

Shaina Tanguay-Colucci

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