Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Joy to the World!

As we draw closer to the celebration of Christ's birth I have witnessed my children grow more excited each day - full of joy-filled anticipation for all that will happen and certainly for what they will receive under the tree on Christmas morning! My reflection, as I watched my children, led me to this question: Are we filled with this same child-like anticipation as we approach Christmas this year?

Pope Benedict XVI reminds us that, "In the birth of Jesus, God comes to us and asks us to receive Him, so that He can be born in our lives and transform them, and our world, by the power of His love." (General Audience, December 21, 2012) This is the Good News the angels proclaimed to the shepherds. This is the Good News that should permeate our entire beings as Baptized children of God. This is the Good News that so many around us desperately need to hear and see witnessed by those of us who call ourselves disciples of Christ!

This Christmas offers us another opportunity to receive anew Jesus Christ, the Light of the world, that we might be His instruments of light to our families, friends, neighbors, co-workers and the strangers in our midst.  The joy of the season reminds us of our true identity as followers of the Risen Christ, who defeated sin and death that we might have life and have it abundantly.

As we gather with our loved ones, especially at the Eucharistic table, let us ask the Lord of all life, to enkindle in the mangers of our hearts, a profound joy - that most beautiful fruit of the Holy Spirit.  And may that joy, seen so beautifully in the eyes of the little ones during these graced days, move us throughout the New Year as instruments of the New Evangelization.

Merry Christmas!

By Michael Lavigne

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