Monday, March 14, 2011

Lent: A Time to Remember Who You Are

Bishop Malone reminds us in the video above that we "exist because God loved you into being because God is love and what does Love require? A beloved!"  Lent certainly offers us an opportunity to daily "die to ourselves" through prayer, sacrifice, and alms-giving so that we can rest in this beautiful truth.

The evening prayer for today asks God to "bring us back to you and fill our minds with your wisdom."  Let us ask the Holy Spirit to fill us with this wisdom, built upon the fundamental truth of our existence: that we are being loved into existence each and every moment of our loves!

Stop for a moment each day this Lent to reflect and pray about this wonderful truth.  Allow this reality to conform you to God's will that you might allow Him to use you to share this message of hope to the many in our world who do not know or believe it. Amen.

Michael Lavigne

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