Monday, November 29, 2010

Gift Received; Gift Given

Gift Received; Gift Given
As Divine Providence would have it, my Chinese missionary friend, from the Philippines, and I were walking together on the Plains of Abraham in Quebec City one warm and bright summer day.  Our conversation was filled with youthful zeal as we explored our 'vocations' together; she moving to Taiwan, and I returning to Maine.
Sr. Nancy asked philosophically, "How does one "BE" a contemplative?"  You see, we were lamenting our busy schedules and daydreaming of quieter surroundings.  As we strolled along, I allowed my imagination to drift around the concept of contemplative living. 
Over the years, I have come to understand the difference between my imagination and the Lord's promptings and I assure you, this gift I am sharing with you came from the Lord!
A contemplative is one who:
SEEs.... KNOWs whom they SEE.... LOVES who they KNOW.... and ENJOYS who they LOVE.  (rho 1989)
I have prayed with this gift for many years now.  To SEE means to become aware of God's movement within us, which is life giving!  To KNOW this God who dwells within us is to feel secure even in the midst of trials.  To LOVE the God we come to KNOW in the depths of our being is to find healing for all our wounds.  And to ENJOY God whom we LOVE is to find peace, balance, belonging, affirmation, hope, and trust which assures us that nothing can separate us from Jesus.  And our Lord comes to us each day most intimately in the Eucharist.
Want to live contemplatively?  Then SEE our Lord in the Eucharist.  KNOW it is the real Presence that comes to us so tenderly.  LOVE the Lord in the Eucharist so you may find strength for your mission.  And ENJOY the fruits of the grace that is ours each time we receive Him.
Who is a Contemplative?  Anyone desiring to be.....
Ruth Oakley

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